Thursday, May 8, 2014

Should You Stretch Your Own Mozzarella?

Just a few years ago, no one would have ever considered making their own mozzarella cheese, but now it is becoming more and more popular as more people have learned how and realized how simple it is. The reality is that once you learn how to stretch your own mozzarella using stretching curd, you will realize the process is easy and straightforward. There are still, however, some things that most people consider before deciding whether or not to give it a try.


One of the biggest reasons that people choose to stretch their own mozzarella is that it allows them the freedom to eat fresh mozzarella cheese whenever they want to. The process is incredibly simple and if you have all of the supplies at hand, you just need to plan a bit ahead of time and then can easily add a bit of fresh mozzarella to your favorite meal, whether it will be the center of attention such as on a pizza or merely a complement such as on a salad.


One thing to keep in mind is that although the process of stretching your own mozzarella is incredibly quick and easy, it does still take more time than simply taking a bit of mozzarella cheese out of your fridge. This means that if you are always in a hurry, it may be better to simply purchase your favorite mozzarella. If you are short on time but still want to make your own, the good news is that you can freeze your fresh mozzarella for six months after you make it.


Some people like to be able to have fresh mozzarella on hand nearly right away and if you are one of these people, then buying some mozzarella stretching curd is probably the best option. If you have the curd, you can just make the cheese without having to leave your home or wait for the cheese you ordered online to arrive. That means that you can simply decide you want mozzarella and have some fresh cheese less than an hour later.

Buying Supplies

One common concern that people have when it comes to making their own mozzarella is whether it will be cost effective. The reality is that you don’t need too many supplies to make it; you really just need a large stainless steel mixing bowl, a wooden spoon and fresh mozzarella stretching curd. Many cheese retailers will even sell all of these items together to make it easier for beginners and then also sell the stretching curd separately for future cheese making.

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