Sunday, May 29, 2011

What Are Some Good Marinades For Cheese?

What Are Some Good Marinades For Cheese?

When it comes to cheese marinades, one common problem is figuring out what type of marinade is the very best. And let’s face it—you can Google it as often as you would like, but there’s hardly any actual information on it!

First of all, overnight marinades are very popular. This is because cheese is one of those foods that you cannot just heat and then expect it to go back to normal—in order to marinade it, it must stay cold. The longer, the more flavor that it’ll have. Keep in mind that this also means that if you want less of the marinade’s flavor or if you would like the flavor to only be contained on the outside of the cheese, you can just leave it there for a shorter period of time.

Most of the time, the marinade is also served with crackers more often than not. Keep this in mind as you create your marinade.

Next, you also have the task of marinating your cheese. In most cases, when you marinade it, you will use several spices and oil or vinegar as a medium. If you were to infuse the spices in water, it could work as well. But, oil generally works better.

A few common spices are paprika, which is good for color and also giving the food a light, gentle hint of peppers. Pepper is also very common for a tiny bit of spice without overpowering the whole thing.

For more flavor, you can use garlic powder and onion powder. These are both very common spices in cheese and also taste wonderful when you pair them with cheeses that have very light flavors.

Wine goes well in marinades for cheese that are stronger-flavored. Try not to add too much though—you may want to dilute it slightly or check a recipe to make sure it’s a good idea.

Sugar is also a popular ingredient, especially if you are using something that is bitter. It adds a light bit of sweetness to buffer sour ingredients and also works great when you are trying to create something for a dessert plate as opposed to an appetizer.

Keep in mind that softer cheeses will either soak up more of the marinade—or less. It depends on what it consists of. This may affect how much flavor it has as well. Check your cheese every few hours if you aren’t sure how much it has soaked up and want it to taste a certain way.

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